Naked 100 Takes A Big Step To Help The Vaping Community

The eLiquid brand vapers will regularly see in every vape shop, headshop and even some convenience stores, Naked 100 has done something entirely unprecedented in reference to the vape business' interest in supporting vape advocacy.

Generally, we often hear of gifts to raising support events, yet we rarely learn of an eLiquid Manufacturer spending $50K on a single gift to a consumer advocacy gathering. A gift that was literally out of the blue, no notice, no preparation, only a nice funded surprise.

Owner of the eLiquid mark Naked 100, Huy Nguyen is rapidly becoming the business leader in regards to large manufacturers stepping up by giving thousands in monetary commitments to those who battle to preserve the vapor business. In some cases, it's been gifts comprising of hundreds of thousands.

But Wait, There's More...

At the very end of 2017, Naked 100 likewise assisted with the success of encouraging the financing for the best fundraiser in vape history, The VapesGiving Manufacturer Challenge, offering a dollar for dollar match of the aggregate gifts raised. When all was said and done, VapesGiving raised nearly $400K as Naked 100 eliquid's sponsorship proved to be more than generous — it was additionally, very much instrumental.

As a reminder, the CASAA website states, "The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-benefit 501(c)(4) association with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand people from varying backgrounds, and we are developing day by day. We are a consumer association, not a trade affiliation."

CASAA is a national level advocacy gather that could use numerous more of these benevolent gifts as they represent approximately 220,000 members and checking. Or on the other hand should we more accurately define the members as vape item consumers and advocacy supporters.

CASAA reminds all of us of what they do, expressing, "We are dedicated to ensuring the accessibility of reduced mischief alternatives to smoking and to furnishing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest data about those alternatives so they can make informed choices."

Just to reiterate, Naked 100 eliquid owner Huy Nguyen has donated Fifty Thousand Dollars to the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA). Yes, that is $50,000 or 50K, 50 Large or 50 Grand. Regardless, however you choose to state it, this is certainly a noteworthy story that ought to be increasing some attention.

This is something extraordinary and momentous for the vape business and all vape item consumers and advocates should take a moment to share their thankfulness for such a generous commitment to preserve the privilege to vape.

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